Minecraft server GunRealms
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4445 | GunRealms | mc.gunrealms.com ![]() | Creative Economy Factions PvP | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4445 |
Title | GunRealms |
Version | |
Server IP | mc.gunrealms.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Creative Economy Factions PvP |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | | Survival | Survive endless nights fighting mobs with your friends or friendly players using guns to make the horrific mobs fall at your heals. Join up and band to create a faction, growing in community to become an empire. | Creative | Build majestical mansions or redstone contraptions for ranks or even compete with friends using PlotMe. WorldEdit has also been added to remove endless hours of block by block placing with up to 280 blocks max! | Guns | Nearly 24 types of guns and explosives that are enabled in every world except for creative! All guns and explosives are available at the gun shop in which money in game is earned by killing hostile mobs. | Pvp | Multiple arenas to crave your pvping alikings, in an cqb tnt arena that you are sniping in a tower, hiding behind walls and covering for protection of continuous enemy players who are spraying and praying. |