Minecraft server AntVenom Network


AntVenom Network

Mini Games
Survival Games
Server Information
TitleAntVenom Network
Server IPmc.antvenom.com
Mini Games
Survival Games
Server DescriptionThe AntVenom Network is a completely custom coded, Mini-Game server. The Mini-Games you'll see on this server are like no other, and are all developed by the coding team @ McProHosting.com Some games include: Deadly Descent: Simple. Make it to the bottom of the map without dying. Harder than it might sound ;). This one is, so far, our most popular game! Survival Bingo: 5x5 Bingo Card, but where the bingo tiles are challenges to complete in-game! Will soon be set-up in ways to allow for speedrunning. I'm excited about that! Rocket Rumble: Shoot the players before they shoot you! Inspired by quake, this fast paced shoot-em up features a Rocket for a weapon. The rocket travels no faster than a ball you might throw from your hand, which encourages different styles of play. Truly a rumble! Color Zone: Akin to Paintball, but you can only kill the players standing on the color of stained clay matching that of the one in your inventory! Use the eggs to recolor the ground underneath the players feet! And MUCH more, plus more to come, including a unique spin on Hunger Games, where you have to craft your items from raw materials you get in chests. No weapons / armor is given out on Resource Mode, but plenty of supplies to make them are. Comes with a portable crafting bench / furnace, so don't worry about that :). Anywho. If you made it this far, I would LOVE if you gave the server a peak. It's still in Beta right now, but it's quite functional. If you ever have any questions or comments, feel free. I'm all ears. I want to have the best possible environment for people to play, and just have fun.