Minecraft server KimCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2788 | KimCraft | Kim-Craft.com ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2788 |
Title | KimCraft |
Version | |
Server IP | Kim-Craft.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | KimCraft is a great raiding server, with friendly staff and owners! We do offer rankings from Donor starting at 10 US dollars to the Maximum Hero rank of 60 US dollars. Becoming an Administrator will take a while starting around 1-2 months depending on how you're doing. First step on becoming admin, is being recommended by a staff member and promoting you to Moderator. As moderator you will be responsible for helping out most of the server. That process of being Mod to admin may take 1-2 weeks. Surviving the wild is the hardest part... Although most things in the wild are hard to find, some of them will be sold in the Admin Shop at a fair price. These things go from seeds all the way to Diamond Blocks and more! We can offer more things in the shop if you may ask. If you don't like the things we sell in the admin shop, create your own in the Player's Market section! Ask the owner for more details about this. We the staff of KimCraft offer many and many different kinds of events including: Spleef, PVP arenas, and more! You may get a chance to win amazing prizes. Here's the hint of the year to help you on your survival to be the best raiding player in KimCraft: Never trust anybody but yourself, Try to stay in your sneak mode, and kill anybody if in your area when not looking. Good luck |