Minecraft server Globe-Community
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4889 | Globe-Community | ![]() | Economy Factions PvP Survival | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4889 |
Title | Globe-Community |
Version | |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy Factions PvP Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Hi, my friend and I have a server together. The server is bukkit and it is called Globe. We are happy with it, but we want something happens more in the server. So we've ready with plugins so you can stay safe without someone to come and take all you stuff ;) We have: WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Logblock, GroupManager, Essentials, GriefPrevention and mcMMO on. We think there will come more plugins on the server :) We have a PVP on the server, but the only reason we have that is to protect yourself no to go out and kill for no reason. You don’t have to apply, you can just enter the ip, and then just play ;) My name Theis and I am 14 years old. My friend is called Simon and he is 14 years old. We are both very much in to minecraft, therefore are we very much on the server. We also have our own TeamSpeak where there are room for 30 people. So you can join us or just talk with your friends :)) You must join our server because we can guarantee you a nice community, and a nice and quiet place where you can just relax and have fun with you friends. As the owners will we do everything to keep it that way ;) Our server is always up and running perfectly stable. (And no it's not Hamachi) Our IP is And the ip is the same on our TeamSpeak. I Hope you will enjoy the server :) |