Minecraft server The Shire
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
5095 | The Shire | play.shirecraft.us ![]() | Creative Survival | 1/30 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 5095 |
Title | The Shire |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | play.shirecraft.us |
Status | Online |
Tags | Creative Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 1/30 |
Server Description | Hello and welcome to The Shire! A few things before we can let you hug some creepers: Firstly, we put a lot of time, effort and money in this project; have some respect and don’t ruin our hard work. You’re not playing alone, which means you have to know how to deal with people, always. Don’t steal, don’t ruin other people’s work, don’t build where you’re not supposed to build (like in a nice grassy area filled with signs saying “Don’t build here, please!”) and, generally, don’t be rude or offensive in any way towards other players, moderators or administrators. Please read any relevant wiki sections before asking anything and read the building rules in our wiki before building anything. Moderators and Administrators are there to fix unintentional damages to the world, and to help players. They are not your personal dispensers of free items, so do not be a beggar and obtain materials for yourself – that’s a main point of the game! Now go and enjoy the world and show us your skills! |