Minecraft server MCBall | Paintball Server | #1 PvP Game
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2204 | MCBall | Paintball Server | #1 PvP Game | play.mcball.net ![]() | KitPvP Mini Games PvP | 0/1337 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 2204 |
Title | MCBall | Paintball Server | #1 PvP Game |
Version | 1.19.3 |
Server IP | play.mcball.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | KitPvP Mini Games PvP |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/1337 |
Server Description | About MCBall -http://mcball.net MCBall is a Minecraft Paintball Capture the Flag server withmany unique gameplay features In-game IP:play.mcball.net What is MCBall? Why is it unique? MCBall, in its simplest description, is a completely custom Minecraft minigame that revolves around two teams, red and blue, trying to capture the other team's flag and protect their own. The first to 3 captures wins the game, but it's not that simple. Preventing you from capturing the enemy team's flag is the entire enemy team armed with paintballs (snowballs) which kill on impact. When a person runs out of snowballs they must left click or press Q to reload. If a person dies he will respawn within 20 seconds at their team's base. Also adding to gameplay mechanics arekits. What are kits? Kits are a large part of MCBall gameplay and add much variation and strategy. Any player can use one kit at a time and can select it by either /kit or clicking on the slimeball in their hotbar. Kits vary in what they do but they all influence playstyle and gameplay.Every kit has different killstreak effects at 3, 5 and 7 kills. |