Minecraft server MCToday
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2131 | MCToday | Play.MCToday.Net ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2131 |
Title | MCToday |
Version | |
Server IP | Play.MCToday.Net |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Server Introduction MCToday is a mixed type server, It has many villages, towns & cities, Some of the main are Riverstone, Holdsworth & Sundae. MCToday contains many attractions like our new PVP arena made by a community member. We are a growing community with amazing staff & members, strong economy & no lag! The Rules MCToday has similar rules to pretty much every other server, we expect you to respect our rules in order to play the server. 1) Do not use inappropriate language anywhere on the server or website. 2) Do not be racist, sexual or offensive to other players. 3) Do not grief outside of factions. 4) Respect other players to be respected. 5) Do not spam anywhere on the server or website, spamming includes CAPS. 6) Do not use any hacks or cheats. (Nodus is an example) 7) Do not bug other players for stuff or items. 8) Do not ask for ranks, items, cash, EXP or creative mode. We do not give stuff out for free. 9) You are allowed to steal from chests if the user didn't bother to lock it. 10) You should only free build outside of the spawn city gates. We look forward to seeing you on the server! -Staff |