Minecraft server Minevolt Network
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
5321 | Minevolt Network | minevolt.net ![]() | Economy Roleplay Survival Towny | 0/500 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 5321 |
Title | Minevolt Network |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | minevolt.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy Roleplay Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/500 |
Server Description | A Unique Towny Server with many fun plugins! Good family server with friendly staff thats always there to help Donation ranks with awesome perks! we have Towny, Jobs, McMMO and awesome stuff that will provide you with an awesome time! Battle monsters in various MobArenas set up throughout the world, challenge others in open world PvP, Battle others in PvP minigames, ride EnderDragons, Set up Mob-free, PvP-Free Towns with Towny commands, Catch Mobs with Chicken Eggs and turn them into spawn eggs, Catch Mobs with Leashes and Train them to become awesome bodyguards, Create NPCs in your towns, open up Playershops, and MORE! Theres so much to do at MyekaanCraft youll find something new everyday. All of this crammed into a Survival server, able to access with a Vanilla Minecraft Client! Hope to see you soon! Plugins installed on server: Essentials, Dynmap, Towny, McMMO, McJobs, InfernalMobs, MobArena, PvPArena, DragonTravel, EchoPet, MyPet, Citizens, Denizen, HyperConomy, MORE |