Minecraft server VillageCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1187 | VillageCraft | mc.villagecraft-server.com ![]() | Economy PvE PvP Survival | 0/90 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1187 |
Title | VillageCraft |
Version | 1.16.4 |
Server IP | mc.villagecraft-server.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy PvE PvP Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/90 |
Server Description | Around since 2011, we have seen Minecraft change quite a bit. We have a strong and easygoing community, with friendly players who will get you on your way. On VillageCraft, you can build a village to whatever style you feel, get it protected by one of our friendly staff, and then manage it however you want. Come join us! Key Features: - We have a market, built from the ground up, right in the spawn town, to help you get on your way, be it with your first home, or a new project - Through community elections and votes, you can have your say on how the server operates, from suggesting features, to running events - VillageCraft has been a community since 2011, having seen over 20,000 players over the years, each bringing their contribution to the server - When you build a village, it's entirely yours. You can decide who to let in, what rules you enforce, and play to your style |