Minecraft server RENMX
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2657 | RENMX | play.renmx.com ![]() | Economy Survival Towny | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2657 |
Title | RENMX |
Version | |
Server IP | play.renmx.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | If you're looking for a small to medium sized server with a steady population of regular players that you can recognise each time you login then we are the server for you. Our main server is a Survival experience with Towny however you don't need to create a town you are free to build your creations any way you want anywhere you want. We also offer Creative and Skyblock servers. You are free to play on these as-well. We have been operational since September 2010. We aren't a new server, we have a lot of experience and our servers are run very professionally with exceptional uptime. We have a great looking website and active forum, an IRC Server and a YouTube Channel. We also make use of custom plugins and web services. Not gimmicks but real substantial fleshed out custom features that make the game more enjoyable to play. Finally if you ever don't want to play with us any-more you can simply select your creations in-game, save them and then export those saves to your home computer. Once there you can integrate your builds in to your single player world or import them in to another server. We strongly believe that what you create belongs to you, we are simply providing you the space to put your things. |