Minecraft server MonsterWars
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
6074 | MonsterWars | ![]() | PvE PvP Raiding Survival | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 6074 |
Title | MonsterWars |
Version | |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | PvE PvP Raiding Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | GRAND OPENING! A server with years of work behind it! Come join us as we have a wide style of PVP, PVE action. We have six groups each with a wide variety a skills and talents. The goal is to fight, raid, and take over towns and forts in huge planned out raids and attacks! Join us as we hold giant battles and raids! You will see environments and creations that will take your breath away for a minute! We have an arena, parkour, and other games to appeal to all players. Go to our website to learn more or just join us and see how it is!! |