Minecraft server MyTownCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
3056 | MyTownCraft | www.mytowncraft.enjin.com ![]() | Creative Factions Mini Games Skyblock Survival | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 3056 |
Title | MyTownCraft |
Version | |
Server IP | www.mytowncraft.enjin.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Creative Factions Mini Games Skyblock Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Why My Fun Craft? IP: myfuncraft.servegame.com:25771 My Fun Craft is a server that has been in existence for a little over one year that is continuing to grow. Many newcomers refer to the staff and server as one of the friendliest they have found, where they can mine, build, explore, and go on adventures. Set with a medieval theme, one can work through the ranks to become a mod simply by playing on the server. One of the best perks our server has to offer is the ranking system, which grants a player with awesome tools, armor, food, building materials, seeds, ore, xp and with higher ranks; diamond materials. Another perk is that our server is filled with awesome builders to bring activities to players such as hungergames arenas, pvp arenas, spleef arenas, mazes, defense towers filled with mobs that one must fight to succeed horse racing, fantastic parkour courses that leave players raving for more. If you are tired of servers not treating players in a fair or kind way, or having to pay for positions such as mod or admin, then look no further because we don't allow such methods. Everyone ranks up through play time on the server. |