Minecraft server Blockaholics
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2795 | Blockaholics | blockaholics.org ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2795 |
Title | Blockaholics |
Version | |
Server IP | blockaholics.org |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Overview: Blockaholics has been around for over 2 years (under 2 different names) and is now looking for new players to frequent the server. We have a large spawn area complete with a housing district, market street, and more! How to Join: Blockaholics is graylisted, which means you can join the server and hang out around our spawn area, but you will not be allowed to leave until you read the rules on our website, linked above. After reading the rules on the site, let a staff member (Mod and up) in-game and you will be given a short quiz. Answer all of the questions correctly and you will be promptly verified and able to play. You are allowed to leave the webpage open in case you need some help, but you will be expected to know all of the rules and follow them while you play. Do's: Please do read our rules before logging on the server if possible. It saves our staff member's time asking you to read the rules and waiting for you to finish. Follow all rules while playing on the server and respect all players. If you have a disagreement, be the bigger person and walk away. If it's serious enough, contact a staff member in-game or on the forums (private messages) to resolve the issue. Don'ts: Do not break the rules at any time. If you break a rule, you may be banned without warning if it's serious enough. Most of the time you will be given a warning and an opportunity to fix it. Do not come on the server and ask for a staff member, then ignore the staff member that tries to help you. We've had a lot of this lately and frankly it takes more time than it's worth. Ban Appeals may be made on the forums. Please use the sticky at the top of the Ban Appeals forum. |