Minecraft server Vanilla PVP Grief
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2875 | Vanilla PVP Grief | ![]() | PvP Raiding Roleplay Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2875 |
Title | Vanilla PVP Grief |
Version | |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | PvP Raiding Roleplay Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | You will not find another pvp server with pure vanilla fighting and building. No factions, no free items, no whitelist, no building restrictions. The city is there just so you can flatten it. Griefing is allowed, however do not confuse griefing with cheating. Anyone using cheating programs will be banned permanently with no warnings. WARNINGS! 1)Difficulty is 3 and Anarchy PVP is hard. If you are new to Minecraft, do not play here and complain. 2)World spawn is camped. Follow the advice below or die like a fool. 3)Dungeons are extremely hard. With full armor and 2 people it is barely possible. If spawning under attack, make a run for it. Use F3 to note your secret base location. Move to 500+ blocks from spawn and build a bed. Collect 26 Iron for armor and sword. Construct a Bow and Arrows. Return to spawn to seek blood! Players' Ender Chests and held items will be saved between seeds. |