Minecraft server Fatcreeper Raid
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2925 | Fatcreeper Raid | play.fatcreeper.com ![]() | Economy Factions MCMMO PvP Raiding | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2925 |
Title | Fatcreeper Raid |
Version | 1.19 |
Server IP | play.fatcreeper.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy Factions MCMMO PvP Raiding |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | 24/7 Chicago Hosted ServerThis is a raiding and pvp factions server with ranks and a farming aspect. The worldborder is a small 7.5k. Obsidian can be destroyed by TNT but is stronger than other blocks. Some blocks like diamond, are even stronger against TNT.Crop growth has been sped up. Shops to buy and sell items are available.Server ranks are now available! Rank up with your money from selling crops and gain bonuses! For every rank you gain an extra heart and you can get a total of 2 rows of hearts. You also get more faction power to claim land.Plugins: Factions, MCMMO, ObsidianDestroyer, morehearts *New map was generated Feb 7th 2019. |