Minecraft server FoxMC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1186 | FoxMC | play.foxmc.net ![]() | Creative Economy MCMMO Mini Games PvP Skyblock Survival | 3/200 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1186 |
Title | FoxMC |
Version | 1.19.4 |
Server IP | play.foxmc.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Creative Economy MCMMO Mini Games PvP Skyblock Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 3/200 |
Server Description | As avid gamers, our number one priority is your experience. We aim to create a platform for our users that offers unprecedented simplicity in a Survival MMO (We do not want you to waste valuable hours of your time on trivialities). In addition to that, we design every single component ourselves without borrowing any outside content. This gives you a unique experience on our server and our perfectionism will give you a product of the highest quality with immense attention to detail. Our server will grant you access to epic weapons, new Ores and gems to empower you and create your special combination of gear to dominate other players in your daily and weekly events such as clan wars , FFA , and much more, all while taking all your comments and feedback into great consideration to improve the overall experience. Ultimately, we want to become the most populated server in Minecraft while keeping the player experience as the precursor for all our decisions. With that being said, we look forward to seeing you on FoxMC and hope to get your support in making this server the best Minecraft server to this date! |