Minecraft server OGPlus
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
10971 | OGPlus | discord.gg/MFbrEq2 ![]() | KitPvP Prison Skyblock Survival | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 10971 |
Title | OGPlus |
Version | |
Server IP | discord.gg/MFbrEq2 |
Status | Offline |
Tags | KitPvP Prison Skyblock Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | OG+ is a network which stems from the popular 2014 OP Prison server which was sold to the current owner Timrek123. Back then the server had averaged around 300-400 players, and we are looking to regain what the server once had. We currently have a decent amount of servers with their own dedicated staff team, and more coming soon! We have KitPvP which is currently fully playable with duels and FFA, Op Prison is fully playable with seven donator ranks, MMORPG is coming in the future, featuring a lengthy story, and custom NPC AI with expansions coming after the initial server release! We have a large advertising budget and plan on using it at a later date, but for now we would really appreciate some extra staff members preferably builders at this stage, though we do have a few more would be quite appreciated. |