Minecraft server DraconicDiamondsMC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
11203 | DraconicDiamondsMC | ![]() | Factions KitPvP Prison PvP Skywars | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 11203 |
Title | DraconicDiamondsMC |
Version | |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Factions KitPvP Prison PvP Skywars |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | 1.8-1.14 Cracked Network. DraconicDiamondsMC offers a Whole different Server Experience. We currently offer Factions, Prison, KitPVP, and Skywars. All Servers have pre-1.9 combat mechanics NEED STAFF AND PLAYERS Factions(Server Version:1.13.2): Factions server with a few main plugins such as McMMO, Old Combat Mechanics, and Custom Enchants. Raiding/Lying is 100% allowed. Join and create a faction with your friends or alone, and work your way to becoming the top faction. Come check it out ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison(Server Version:1.13.2): PvP, Plots, Scam, Kill, Sell, Rank up. One of the best Prison server experiences you can have. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KitPVP:(Server Version:1.8.8): Join our KitPVP and experience PVP with over 30 kits, each with their own unique traits. Come show who is the best at PVP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skywars(Server Version:1.13.2): Battle it out in the skies, collecting resources and killing others. Come show who is the king of the skies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ServerIP: draconicdiamondsmc.hostedmc.com Discord: discord.gg/DRneH8G |