Minecraft server Renatus Network
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
390 | Renatus Network | play.RenatusNetwork.com ![]() | Creative KitPvP Parkour PvE Survival | 47/300 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 390 |
Title | Renatus Network |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | play.RenatusNetwork.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Creative KitPvP Parkour PvE Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 47/300 |
Server Description | Renatus Network BATTLEGROUNDS OFFICIALLY RELEASED /server Battlegrounds JOIN NOW - Renatus.cc Parkour Are you ready to take your parkour and speedrunning skills to the next level? With over 400+ levels, including iconic levels like Rainbow, Rocky, and Dungeon, and our unique Infinite Parkour and racing feature, you'll be in for an adventure like no other. Battlegrounds Are you ready for the ultimate PvP experience? Introduce Battlegrounds, the newest and most thrilling KitPvP gamemode out there. With a roster of over 20+ unique champions, each with their special abilities and power-ups, you'll have the chance to play as your favorite character and dominate the battlefield. JOIN OVER ONE MILLION UNIQUE PLAYERS Renatus Network has been around since 2012! Over the years, we’ve used that time to refine our game modes into something truly special for every player. With our over 10 years of experience, we understand the importance of community. So we welcome YOU with open arms. Join Renatus and be a part of the community that is standing 10 years strong. |