Minecraft server Alpha Prison
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
676 | Alpha Prison | play.alphaprison.net ![]() | Economy Prison PvP Survival | 3/1000 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 676 |
Title | Alpha Prison |
Version | 1.19 |
Server IP | play.alphaprison.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy Prison PvP Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 3/1000 |
Server Description | Alpha Prison is a CUSTOM CODED OP Prison with many features that has been up for 3 years ! Here you will find some of our feature: - Custom personal mine: everyone has his own mine which has different levels ( up to 130k levels ) and different types like rainbow, supreme, wonderland - Custom key system: we have implemented a custom system that let you gain Money and Token boosters as rewards instead of the classic static amount. That way you can gain infinite multiplier just by playing ! - Custom Island Spawner: the server uses Island as concept of gang where you can team up with your friends. All the custom spawners of the server got stacked in the /island spawners and it's all virtual, that way it doesn't depend on where you are, you can claim the rewards from anywhere. - Custom Skills and Milestones: those are rewards that you gain while playing, most of them based on amount of blocks broken, other based on playtime and such. Those are just some of our features. You should join the server to get a full view of all the features. Server support also bedrock players with the IP: bedrock.alphaprison.net with port 19132. I'm MasterZen#9263 on discord if you want to reach me out We're looking for partners to work with ! |