Minecraft server DemocracyCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
205 | DemocracyCraft | mcso.democracycraft.net ![]() | Cross-Play Economy Prison PvP Roleplay Survival | 18/200 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 205 |
Title | DemocracyCraft |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | mcso.democracycraft.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Cross-Play Economy Prison PvP Roleplay Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 18/200 |
Server Description | DemocracyCraft is a City Roleplay server focused on the player's ability to create, amend, and remove the rules and laws that govern them. Play in an urban city environment, or beyond in the depths of the wild. The server boasts cars, helicopters, a democratically elected government, businesses, economy, among other realistic, life-like features! Java IP: play.democracycraft.net Bedrock (beta) IP: play.democracycraft.net Port: 19132 (default) |