Minecraft server Play.RayDayGaming.com
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
11389 | Play.RayDayGaming.com | Play.RayDayGaming.com ![]() | PvP Survival Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 11389 |
Title | Play.RayDayGaming.com |
Version | 1.18.1 |
Server IP | Play.RayDayGaming.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | PvP Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Welcome to RayDayGaming.com, We are old time gamers getting back into Minecraft.Old Servers we owned - RaysSunshineServer.com (2016-2018)- Jmainguy.com (2009-2016)We have been around since the beginning and look forward to seeing you on the server..NOTE: If you build something Majestic (truly Awww) looking, we will protect it from getting griefed (Rollback or World Guard (PVP will still be enabled).What are the rules?- ADMINS PVP FAIRLY. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPAWN OR ENCHANT THEIR GEAR, HIDE FROM LIVEMAP, OR TP TO TARGETS. IF YOU SEE AN ADMIN YOU THINK IS ABUSING, REPORT IT TO IT_DEATHS, DO NOT INSANELY SCREAM ABUSE AT THE ACCUSED ADMIN, OR ANY ADMIN. WE CHECK THE LOGS CONSTANTLY FOR SIGNS OF ABUSE.- No killing people at their respawn point, or straight outside of spawn.- No client side hacks, mods (this INCLUDES XRAY!), or XRay texture packs.- You may not curse excessively, especially at other players or admins.- Image No racist or vulgar skins.- Griefing/Stealing ARE VERY MUCH ALLOWED!- No setting homes in other players homes.What commands can us defaults use?- /sethome - Will set your home.- /home - Teleports you to your home.- /afk - Alerts players that you are AFK.- /suicide - Self explanatory.- /msg - Sends a message to a player that you type in.- /ignore - Ignores a player.- /r - Quick way of responding to a message.- /lock - Use LWC to lock your chests!- /tpa - Request a teleport command. |