Minecraft server Champions of Equestria
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
12053 | Champions of Equestria | www.championsofequestria.town ![]() | Creative Economy Factions PvE PvP Survival | 0/100 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 12053 |
Title | Champions of Equestria |
Version | 1.18.2 |
Server IP | www.championsofequestria.town |
Status | Online |
Tags | Creative Economy Factions PvE PvP Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/100 |
Server Description | Looking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items and doing quests for jobs. Here, you can play what you want how you want, and switch between worlds seamlessly when you want a change of pace. We have the latest plugins for protecting your builds in Survival and Creative, extra cosmetics and other effects for Donators, and so much more! |