Minecraft server Mossynet
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
12491 | Mossynet | mossynet.meloncu.be ![]() | Survival Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 12491 |
Title | Mossynet |
Version | 1.19 |
Server IP | mossynet.meloncu.be |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Hello there! Welcome to Mossynet, our semi-vanilla SMP server. We pride ourselves on having an inclusive community, so its very easy to make some great friends. Because of this, we have a sizable player base, but that doesn't stop us for looking for more people to join in on the fun! Come and help us build community projects from scratch, or set out and do your own thing. We are never shy to introduce new ideas, as we are planning to add a modded server in the future. Jump into the open world and start your adventure with us here at MossyNet. If you want to take a look at our current world, check our our Dynmap: Dynmap: http://mossynet.meloncu.be:3535/ If you are interested, feel free to join our Discord server. There you can find all of our information regarding which plugins and datapacks we use to help out with our server, as well as our whitelist page so you can join us and build your own base! It's also where our admin team will post all of our new announcements regarding the server and any events we plan to do. Feel free to just relax, talk to people, and share screenshots of whatever you're working on. In addition, we also have a custom modpack modded server. If you might be interested in that, feel free to check out our page on it: Modded: https://minecraftservers.org/server/592025 Basic rules: No griefing, no stealing, and just have fun! A more detailed rule book (within which contains the few plugins we use) is available at Spawn, for when you join for the first time. Thanks and Enjoy! |