Minecraft server NeoTokyo
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
14561 | NeoTokyo | neotokyo.enjin.com ![]() | Creative Economy MCMMO Parkour Skyblock Survival | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 14561 |
Title | NeoTokyo |
Version | |
Server IP | neotokyo.enjin.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Creative Economy MCMMO Parkour Skyblock Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Welcome to Neo Tokyo. Arisen from the ashes of the world's densest city lays a new breed of sprawling 24 hour neon megapolis! This is a city populated by dedicated anime otaku and hardcore gamers - but it is ran and controlled by the deadly hands of the Japanese Yakuza! You will begin your journey as a common Shatei and work your way up the Mafioso hierachy to become the ultimate Oyabun! (Yakuza Boss). We are looking for anyone who can take on this challenge either in the bustling city, a death-defying Skyblock or a 100 level Parkour! Of course we value and reward players who can give back to the community by activities like building up the city, voting for the server and inviting new recruits in exchange for high-level crate keys! The server has many incentivising plugins such as mystery crates, rank based kits, mcmmo levels and rewards for voting/staying on the server. Meanwhile you can enter building competitions and treasure hunts to grab those precious crate keys! Join us in expanding this ever-growing city-scape for a warm welcome from our chill and enthusiastic player base! Beginners can even use the /fly command! Logon to neotokyo.uk as the server IP 1.8 - 1.16.2 Game modes: Downtown, SkyBlock and Parkour |