Minecraft server SMP Skedgy
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
13109 | SMP Skedgy | smp.skedgy.xyz ![]() | Survival | 0/72 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 13109 |
Title | SMP Skedgy |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | smp.skedgy.xyz |
Status | Online |
Tags | Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/72 |
Server Description | SMP Skedgy is a whitelisted 1.16.4 vanilla survival server made for small streamers. If you want to start collaborating with other small streamers or even just need content to stream, then this is the place for you. What do I need to join? We accept all Twitch streamers, no matter how big or small, as long as you agree to stream as much as you can while online on the SMP. We accept other streaming platforms too, but we dont recommend streaming anywhere other than Twitch. You do not need to be affiliated with Twitch, though if you are, we can arrange to allow your subscribers on the server as well. If you have friends you want to join the server who dont stream, that can be discussed as well. Its also required that you join our discord at http://dis.skedgy.xyz/ so we can make sure youre legit.What if I dont stream? If you arent a streamer then this server may not be for you. While we do allow Twitch subscribers to join, we dont recommend subscribing to join an smp with streamers youve never interacted with before. If youre set on joining though then go ahead. Can I join on Bedrock? Yes! The server supports both the Java and Bedrock editions of Minecraft! To connect on Bedrock edition, just connect to the same ip address with the port 64516. Curious what our world looks like? You can view our Dynmap at http://map.skedgy.xyz/ or our Bluemap at http://bmap.skedgy.xyz/ |