Minecraft server SimplyCrafted Towny
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
15352 | SimplyCrafted Towny | simplycraftedtowny.enjin.com/ ![]() | Economy Mini Games PvP Roleplay Survival Survival Games Towny | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 15352 |
Title | SimplyCrafted Towny |
Version | 1.18.2 |
Server IP | simplycraftedtowny.enjin.com/ |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy Mini Games PvP Roleplay Survival Survival Games Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | I just started this server up a couple of months ago. I always played on a server called SimplyCrafted growing up on Minecraft. It was a Towny plugin based server that was somewhat popular back around 2012-2015 or so. My young self loved every minute of playing on that server, the community in the town I was apart of drove me to help the town in many ways, grind for my own benefit, and to learn about all of the fun things I am able to do in Minecraft. Owning my own plot within a busy town on that server was so much fun as a kid for many reasons. It made the game such a pleasant experience and that is why I have created a server in hopes to bring back those days for myself and anyone else that misses the good Towny servers. We have a world dedicated for Towny and also have a world in development for OG Hunger Games with the map from 2012 and a Spleef minigame setup that is fully functional. We have no upkeep for towns or nations and no tax because we don't like towns getting deleted. Thank you for reading through and I hope you'll take the time to pop into the server :P Plugins installed on server: EasyRTP, Seasons, BellTower, ModReq, Vault, LightAPI, Essentials, DynamicLights, Multiverse, AudioConnect, Spleef, LockettePro, TimeIsMoney, HungerGames, Towny, Jobs, SilkSpawners |