Minecraft server CreeperCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2279 | CreeperCraft | ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2279 |
Title | CreeperCraft |
Version | |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Groups available through buy craft member, vip, admin all proceeds go to creepercraft server nonprofit ADD YOUR SELF TO MEMBER LIST FOR FREE USING BUYCRAFT FREE!! IN GAME USE COMMAND /buy PAYPAL ONLY!! Creepercraft ON facebook http://www.facebook.com/CreeperCraftY helpful info on the server there just a brief rundown of plugins list full list on website creepercrafty.weeply.com -LapisPortals, no commands to use, teleport -player cannons, no commands to use teleport via cannons at spawn -Lockette, chest protection -sign casino, play for money (right click signs) in the adminshop!! price to play on sign -MCMMO, best minecraft RPG plugin must join to experience! -mcJobs, best way to make money and helps with mcmmo aswell there are commands start with /jobs list and pick a job!! -Spleef, speaks for it self but if you dont know come on server and play a round and try to hurt the admins score (right click signs to join and start no player cap!!) -Factions, team up with your friends make new friends claim your land to keep those pesky griefer's away commands have a 10 page help list by doing /f ? 1-10 just to let every one im work on a massive spawn far away form the first spawn so expect for spawns to move but i will be keeping the player cannons to ex cords so they will go to the same place they did before!! |