Minecraft server SurvivalStar
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
13918 | SurvivalStar | play.survivalstar.net ![]() | Economy MCMMO PvE PvP Survival Towny | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 13918 |
Title | SurvivalStar |
Version | 1.19 |
Server IP | play.survivalstar.net |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy MCMMO PvE PvP Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Dedicated 1.18.1 Survival server with it all! Built by players FOR players. *** Why the Grinders love us: We have exclusive play2win ranks, Unlock perks only Grinders can have. Sit above the paid ranks in Tab. *** Why the Eco'ers love us: Faction type spawners. OP prices for manual farms. *** The Pvp'ers: Can kill outside of claims. ( what more can one ask? ) *** Builders: Ignore the hustle and bustle of grinding, Baltop and Pvp, stay safe in your claims or take a picnic to the mining world to gather resources for your beautiful 1.18 builds *** PvE'rs: Custom Mobs and dungeons, unlock perks only those brave enough to fight the mobs can earn, (Permanent health boosts and more!) * Buy Ranks, Perks and Items with in-game currency * Main World: Safe Claims with PvP: ON (outside of claims) * Resource World: PvP: OFF * Regular polls for players to decide how they want the server * Owners DM's always open to players * Staff are not allowed to compete, and are here only to HELP |