Minecraft server Destroy SMP
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1758 | Destroy SMP | ![]() | PvP Roleplay Survival Vanilla | 0/60 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1758 |
Title | Destroy SMP |
Version | 1.19.2 |
Server IP | |
Status | Online |
Tags | PvP Roleplay Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/60 |
Server Description | Join The Discord https://discord.gg/VhrFvy9R and then go to minecraft chat and request to get whitelisted to join IT IS 1.16.3 1 This is a roleplay server so you always follow the roleplay 2 There are different countries, let @Owner or @Admin know if you are joining/creating a country 3 If you do not follow the roleplay you get a temporary ban 4 You are allowed to raid peoples bases but not break or place any blocks inside their base 5 You can only raid a persons base if at least 1 President or Duke is online 6 Every country needs a president and a duke 7 You are not allowed to kill someone without good reasoning 8 There are 3 roles in a country. President MAX 1 PERSON, a Duke MAX 2 PEOPLE, Peasant MAX 4 PEOPLE 9 You are not allowed to have secret chests, which means all chests have to be visible in a base 10 You are not allowed to steal pets Dogs, Horses Cats 11 If you have no where to run and the person after you wants to jail you, you are not allowed to go against this action 11 If you do not follow these rules they will result in a permanent ban or temporary ban 12 If you have 3 temporary bans you get permanently banned on your 3rd ban NO HACKING!!! OR PERM BAN |