Minecraft server Catville City
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
14540 | Catville City | ![]() | Factions PvP Roleplay Survival Vanilla | 0/80 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 14540 |
Title | Catville City |
Version | 1.19.2 |
Server IP | |
Status | Online |
Tags | Factions PvP Roleplay Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/80 |
Server Description | An SMP with 19 players. Many of them are online quite a bit and there are 5 factions which are active currently. The server is always online and there are no restarts. The server also has little to no lag. The server is 1.16.1 specifically and there is a discord. Hacking is not allowed so it will result in an immediate ban. Discord Usernames will be at the bottom. Requirements: 1. Must have some sort of mic. 2. Must join the discord. (LINK AT THE BOTTOM) ____________________________________________________________ RULES FOR MINECRAFT SERVER 1. NO HACKING 2. NO EXPLOITING UNLESS MINOR 3. NO LAG MACHINES ____________________________________________________________ RULES FOR DISCORD CAN BE FOUND IN DISCORD SERVER. TheMythicJimmy#5667 DuckyMomo#9591 discord.gg/RFfJ9GtAGT |