Minecraft server The Far Lands
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
14765 | The Far Lands | ![]() | PvE Survival Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 14765 |
Title | The Far Lands |
Version | 1.7.10 |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | PvE Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Hello everyone! The Far Lands is looking for some new players to join the server, and we would like you to come and join us. The Far Lands is an SMP server co-owned by two friends, we are looking for new players to play a vanilla experience. The server is officially opening on May 1st, so you can start with several other players. We are looking to build a small community surrounding this server, with several features like a spawn and shopping district. This server is an environment where people can be safe, so no griefing is allowed. If you are an active member who likes to interact with other players, you are perfect for The Far Lands! We have some plugins like staff tags and moderation plugins, but the server is a vanilla experience. We hope to see you there soon, and have a good day! |