Minecraft server HomesteadCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
888 | HomesteadCraft | homesteadcraft.mcserver.us ![]() | PvE PvP Roleplay Survival | 3/420 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 888 |
Title | HomesteadCraft |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | homesteadcraft.mcserver.us |
Status | Online |
Tags | PvE PvP Roleplay Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 3/420 |
Server Description | HomesteadCraft is an RPG-inspired adult MC server with a vanilla-feel; think vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. Aurelium Skills- Introduces Skills and Stats into Minecraft! Acuteloot- Adds literally BILLIONS of unique named items. Outside of the RPG-inspired plugins, we also use a claims plugin. Since this is a grief-free server (see rules below), you can imagine this one helps prevent a LOT of things. We currently have a world border of 9k in each direction from spawn. With an admin team that strives to assure constant 20TPS, and a friendly and helpful mod team, we try to build a close-knit community of friends from all over the world who just want to hangout with other adults and play some Minecraft. 21+ because we’re not interested in dealing with kid-related drama. WHERE TO FIND US Join us at Homesteadcraft.mcserver.us RULES 1: Don’t be a D!/k. 2: 21+ only. 3: Even as an adult-only server, please limit profanity in chat. 4: Absolutely NO hateful or derogatory language will be tolerated. |