Minecraft server Karti Kingdom
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
14936 | Karti Kingdom | ![]() | Survival | 0/140 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 14936 |
Title | Karti Kingdom |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | |
Status | Online |
Tags | Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/140 |
Server Description | I just made this server and I found a seed that has a broken nether portal and a village right next to spawn. It is only me as of right now but I would love for people to join! You can join and start doing whatever you want its chill, all I ask is that there is NO GREIFING!!! please and thank you. I don't have much on there right now but hopefully soon it will be better. I am also looking into adding some plugins I'm not too sure yet, still new to hosting a server. any help is welcome too. I have my discord server for my channel on twitch but I am thinking about making another one specially for this server but for now I will attach a link my my current discord server. Not sure if any of you play with shaders but I am playing with them on the server too. I also have on the epic adventures resource pack. If you have a map or seed that you would rather have send it to me in my server and ill switch it. I may ask people to join in the minecraft discord if no one sees this :( come say hi |