Minecraft server TheBasement MC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
15182 | TheBasement MC | play.thebasementmc.com ![]() | Creative Mini Games Parkour Roleplay Survival Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 15182 |
Title | TheBasement MC |
Version | 1.19 |
Server IP | play.thebasementmc.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Creative Mini Games Parkour Roleplay Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | TheBasement MC is a new Minecraft community, offering a network of professional community servers such as Creative and Survival Multiplayer. Originating from a community specializing in Classic Minecraft back in 2009, we have since expanded into the newer versions of Minecraft: available on both JAVA AND BEDROCK! . We have a STRICT POLICY AGAINST pay-to-win and vote-to-win practices. We provide a safe refuge for everyone - and also run additional events and servers in partnership with Content Creators on Twitch and Youtube. Creative offers all the custom building utilities and tools you will ever need - which can be used by every member of our community from first logging on! NO VOTING, RANKING OR DONATING REQUIRED! Our server has: Fast Async WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, GoBrush (and custom brushes!), GoPaint, Arceon, Armourstand tools and Head database to name a few. We offer creative plots (125 x 125), and several custom-themed worlds for everyone to use. Our Modern-themed world is by far the most popular, with an active community of Modern City builders and SCI-FI role players. Our Survival server keeps it simple offers a vanilla minecraft experience to all members of our community. Land can be protected from theft and grief, using our land-protection system. Other than that, you're free to enjoy classic Minecraft as the game is intended. |