Minecraft server Eternal Void Anarchy
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2165 | Eternal Void Anarchy | eternalvoid.org ![]() | Anarchy PvP Survival | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2165 |
Title | Eternal Void Anarchy |
Version | 1.18 |
Server IP | eternalvoid.org |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Anarchy PvP Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Anarchy survival PVP/CPVP server. - Always on the latest version of Minecraft! - Cloud proxy, with i7 powered backend server for excellent performance. - No queue to join the server. - 20tps / 100% uptime very typical. - Minimal AntiCheat protections - Speed & Fly; Unfettered access to Elytra+ - No admin intervention: Players are free to build, grief. - No moderators: No players on the server have any moderator commands / tools / abilities. - Anti-Portal trap plugin: After standing in a Nether Portal for 30 seconds the player will be teleported to a random spot around spawn. Useful for fast travel to spawn. - Nether Roof open, with a twist: Players receive damage on the nether roof unless under the beacon effect. - Player Heads: Players have a 5% chance of dropping their heads when killed. - Mob heads: Mobs have a chance of dropping their heads when killed. Wither Skeleton skulls drop in vanilla numbers. - Craftable Enchanted Golden Apples. - Discord Server: https://discord.gg/q6CJCD8 |