Minecraft server DawnCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2669 | DawnCraft | play.dawncraft.net ![]() | Economy MCMMO PvE Survival Towny Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2669 |
Title | DawnCraft |
Version | 1.19.2 |
Server IP | play.dawncraft.net |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy MCMMO PvE Survival Towny Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | DawnCraft is a Towny SMP Server with custom RPG features that provide a unique and fun experience for our players. DawnCraft has many features such as: - Custom tools, weapons and armor called Relics. - Custom Enchants that make your tools, weapons and armor even more powerful. - Custom fishing that adds a whole new definition of fishing in Minecraft. - 11 different Jobs for players to level up in and make money in. - Skills for players to level up to unlock perks and increase stats. - Stats that increase how fast you move, damage you can deal and your health. - Seasons that add a variety of content to the server such as season exclusive items, titles, a seasonal questline, and a season ending server wide event. - Craftpass, players can complete daily and weekly challenges to level up their Craftpass and earn rewards. There are both free and premium rewards. - Quests, players can complete daily, weekly and monthly quests to earn rewards. - Dungeons, where players battle through monsters, mini bosses and then a final boss. |