Minecraft server LurgCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
525 | LurgCraft | play.lurgcraft.com ![]() | Economy FTB Mini Games Prison Skyblock Survival | 1/100 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 525 |
Title | LurgCraft |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | play.lurgcraft.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy FTB Mini Games Prison Skyblock Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 1/100 |
Server Description | Hosted in Australia, LurgCraft offers a friendly community running on bleeding-edge server hardware. Full build protection is included, allowing you to enjoy your game without fear of griefing. We use dedicated server hardware, located in a tier 1 datacentre in Sydney, Australia. This guarantees us high speed (1 Gbps), low-latency connectivity. We host a range of packs, including Sky Factory 4 (Prestige), StoneBlock 2, StoneBlock 3, FTB Ultimate Reloaded, OneBlock, Prison, and All of Fabric 5. * Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/F7QDjTdd8G, or browse our online store at https://store.lurgcraft.com * All of Fabric 5 v1.5.1 was recently added, and is a fantastic 1.18.2 modpack that includes Machines, Magic, Monsters, Exploration and much much more! This is our first 1.18+ modded pack, and is a lot of fun. Connect using aof5.lurgcraft.com * OneBlock and Prison use the 1.18.2 version of Minecraft, and is heavily customised. Fun activities, such as random airdrops, quests, jobs, a rich economy, and lots of customisations are included * SkyFactory 4 and StoneBlock 2 include robust island protection, multiple island templates, and a range of customisations. Prestige is enabled on SF4, with multiple ways to earn Prestige Points * StoneBlock 3 is brand new, running on v1.4.2 of the modpack. Check it out at sb3.lurgcraft.com! * FTB Ultimate Reloaded is a fantastic open-world setup, full of machines and exploration * All of our packs are reachable through our Lobby, with its mini-games and world to explore. You can connect with almost any client through play.lurgcraft.com Many of our servers include a fun mcMMO-based skill system, over a thousand quests, jobs with a fantastic levelling system, multiple mini-games, grief prevention for claims, an in-game ranking system based on playtime and progression, dozens of unlockable perks, and a wonderful community. The SkyFactory pack is one of the best 1.12.2 Skyblock packs ever to be created and is enhanced with multiple server-specific customisations. We include island protection (with a nice big default island size of 256x256), chunk loaders (including free ones!), voting rewards, minimal banned items, and a ton of other customisations. We also plan to release several more packs in the near future. These expansions are driven heavily by our active community of players. We aim to minimise banned items, limit toxic and hostile behaviour, and maximise in-game performance for the best possible gaming experience. |