Minecraft server CrankHouse Semi-Anarchy Survival
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1318 | CrankHouse Semi-Anarchy Survival | play.crankhouse.net ![]() | Anarchy Survival Vanilla | 0/1 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1318 |
Title | CrankHouse Semi-Anarchy Survival |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | play.crankhouse.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Anarchy Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/1 |
Server Description | CrankHouse is a Semi-Anarchy Survival SMP and our primary goal revolves around making sure mob rates, caps, and behaviors are as vanilla as possible while also ensuring a stable play environment for client and non-client alike. Server is currently running on versions from 1.17 to 1.19.3 To ensure STABILITY we have spared no expense on the most current and top-of-the-line hardware we could get our hands-on. Although here on CrankHouse we do openly allow the usage of "modded/hacked" clients, there is a limit. This limit it here so you can use the mods/clients without being able to abuse people with what we'd consider as frowned upon hack/modules (offhand bans, chunk bans, etc) In response to these you'll be kicked automatically and repeatedly until module in question is no longer activated <This server does not support signed chat> (safe server) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXbSZ13cfNg https://crankhouse.net/ |