Minecraft server RainbowCraft SMP
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
786 | RainbowCraft SMP | play.rainbowcraftsmp.com ![]() | Economy Vanilla | 6/100 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 786 |
Title | RainbowCraft SMP |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | play.rainbowcraftsmp.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 6/100 |
Server Description | Version: Running 1.19, but clients running 1.18.2 and older are supported Server IP: play.rainbowcraftsmp.com (Bedrock: play.rainbowcraftsmp.com Port:19132) We are a new server with a fresh new world - the majority of it regenerated for 1.19, currently we have a solid base of players and average anywhere from 6-14 users on at a time depending on the day and time. We are primarily a vanilla server but we do have several QOL plugins - Land claiming, server /shop for selling items, player chest shops, and player warps along with a few others and some fun plugins such as mob and player drop heads. We host various types of events - we've just started a recurring build competition, we have had a hunger games competition with another coming up soon, and we hold pvp competitions semi-regularly. We have no age requirement, we just ask that you behave in a mature manner. We are a friendly and welcoming server. Toxic people will be removed from the community with little or no warning. |