Minecraft server NebPVP
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1614 | NebPVP | discord.gg/xd29R5GgnC ![]() | KitPvP Mini Games Roleplay Survival Vanilla | 0/32 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1614 |
Title | NebPVP |
Version | 1.19.4 |
Server IP | discord.gg/xd29R5GgnC |
Status | Online |
Tags | KitPvP Mini Games Roleplay Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/32 |
Server Description | This is a Minecraft survival server with the main focus of battling in PVP formats with other members across the Middle East! Host and manage events and roleplay with the story for an exciting time! Battle more to reach higher ranks, train at gyms, and battle the PVP champion! Join us at nebneb.ddns.net and https://discord.gg/xd29R5GgnC Currently, there are three modes: -Action Mode: you can climb the ladder of the championships by battling people in a vanilla survival environment. host battle events or declare wars to contribute to a thrilling story. Use /kits to grab some battle items, and battle specific people using /tpa. -Training Mode: you can select items in kits to battle members, and use this to prepare before an Action Mode war. Use /sethome to set a base location that you can go back to using /home. Go back to the main portal using /mvs -Olympic Mode: you play in small unique minigames with other members, we'll discover who's most athletic Traverse the hub world for different games until you find the one you'll love, and challenge anyone who enters your domain. Join games using pressure plates around the map! Spectate other running games! Go back to the main portal using /mvs |