Minecraft server Terrible Friends
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
740 | Terrible Friends | terriblefriends.xyz ![]() | Survival Vanilla | 9/40 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 740 |
Title | Terrible Friends |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | terriblefriends.xyz |
Status | Online |
Tags | Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 9/40 |
Server Description | Terrible Friends is a Minecraft server that was created to try to be what most servers do not or cannot offer: an extremely close to vanilla experience, and a close community where the admins aren't headless non-existent creatures from the black lagoon. No items are blacklisted, no plugin added currency, shops or auction house (which always trashes server economies), bedrock breaking isn't disabled, redstone and mob spawning isn't completely broken for performance "enhancements". Overall, there is very little modification to core vanilla gameplay except patching some item duplication patches and anti-grief protections. You will need to apply for the whitelist in the Discord, see #information. |