Minecraft server BetterPixelmon
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
325 | BetterPixelmon | play.catalyst-mc.co ![]() | Economy Pixelmon Survival | 4/2023 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 325 |
Title | BetterPixelmon |
Version | 1.16.5 |
Server IP | play.catalyst-mc.co |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy Pixelmon Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 4/2023 |
Server Description | Only requiring, the latest Pixelmon 1.16.5, and BYG for 1.16, both obtainable in our Discord.Using as much custom content as we can, with our own dedicated developer bringing the content. We bring BetterPixelmon. The Pixelmon Mod, has been a beloved mod by many over the years, bring many aspects of the renowned Pokemon to Minecraft. Catch any Pokemon, Battle with your friends, trade with your friends. Adventure across a map, filled with Biomes from Vanilla Minecraft and Oh the Biomes You'll Go, all populated with Pokemon Spawns to suit the experience. Alongside the usual Pixelmon aspects our server also brings: - Over 100 Custom Textured Pokemon, to add more flair to the game. - 2 Custom Pokemon, never seen in the mainline games- A Daily Bingo Card, for catching Pokemon - Rotating Pokemon Hunts- Daily Trainers to battle for Rewards- Weekly Giveaways - A Crate System- A Game Replicant Wondertrade. - A Questing System - Increased Legendary Pokemon Spawns The founders combined have a combined over 10 years Minecraft and Pixelmon experience, and are always more than to happy to help, even with a nifty Minecraft Chat to Discord relay to make sure we can always be answering your questions, and helping anyway we can! |