Minecraft server Cosmos SMP
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1024 | Cosmos SMP | play.cosmossmp.xyz ![]() | Cross-Play Economy PvE PvP Survival Vanilla | 0/1 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1024 |
Title | Cosmos SMP |
Version | 1.19.4 |
Server IP | play.cosmossmp.xyz |
Status | Online |
Tags | Cross-Play Economy PvE PvP Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/1 |
Server Description | Are you looking for an easy modded experience to enjoy with friends and I mean ALL your friends, even if they are on Bedrock, easily playable without fiddling with mods and incompatibilities for hours, while also providing a fresh experience with an online map, a dynamic economy, custom mobs and items, crates and levelable skills that increase HP and other things? Well I have just the solution. Are you also looking for a 1.19 Server to explore the new update with friends? I present Cosmos! Cosmos is an SMP that sees to replicate to the best of its abilities the euphoric modded experience without needing to download mods, or compromising on who can play. We have a custom coded plugin that does just that! We also have a discord! |