Minecraft server Scavenged Shores
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1274 | Scavenged Shores | play.scavengedshores.com ![]() | Mini Games PvE Raiding Roleplay | 0/50 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1274 |
Title | Scavenged Shores |
Version | 1.19.4 |
Server IP | play.scavengedshores.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Mini Games PvE Raiding Roleplay |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/50 |
Server Description | Scavenged Shores is a unique pirate-themed RPG server with never seen before custom content. Breaking the boundaries and limitations of Minecraft, Scavenged Shores allows you to set sail on a large pirate ship with your friends to explore a vibrant map full of life, treasure and foes. If PvE isn’t your style, challenge other players to a duel with access to a variety of unique weapons and skills to take down all that oppose you. Alternatively, Scavenged Shores offers a peaceful playstyle of exploration and building, with the availability of customizable islands created and owned by you. This server is a project made from love and passion, so come join the community to be part of something new and meaningful! |