Minecraft server TwinHorns Network
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
792 | TwinHorns Network | play.twinhorns.net:25571 ![]() | Cross-Play Economy LifeSteal Survival Whitelist | 1/30 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 792 |
Title | TwinHorns Network |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | play.twinhorns.net:25571 |
Status | Online |
Tags | Cross-Play Economy LifeSteal Survival Whitelist |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 1/30 |
Server Description | TwinHorns Minecraft server was created in 2021 and offers a whitelisted survival gamemode with economy, crates, ranks, KOTH, cosmetics, and much more. The server is community-oriented and has a friendly staff team. If you are looking for a fun and challenging Minecraft experience, then TwinHorns is the server for you. Here are some of the features of TwinHorns Minecraft server: ● Whitelisted survival gamemode: This means that only approved players can join the server, which helps to create a safe and friendly environment. ● Economy: Players can earn money by mining, farming, and trading with other players. This money can be used to purchase items from the in-game shop. ● Crates: Players can earn crates by completing quests or by participating in events. These crates can contain rare items and cosmetics. ● Ranks: Players can earn ranks by completing challenges or by donating to the server. These ranks give players access to special features, such as the ability to fly or to change their skin. ● KOTH: KOTH stands for King of the Hill. This is a PvP event where players compete to control a specific area of the map. The player who controls the area for the longest time wins. ● Cosmetics: Players can purchase cosmetics, such as hats, clothes, and pets, from the in-game shop. These cosmetics do not give players any gameplay advantages. ● Lifesteal: Players can heal themselves by killing other players. This adds a new level of strategy to the game. If you are interested in joining TwinHorns Minecraft server, you can find the IP address and other information on the Discord server. |