Minecraft server Genesis SMP
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1647 | Genesis SMP | discord.gg/w94Y7DFF ![]() | Roleplay Survival Vanilla | 0/30 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1647 |
Title | Genesis SMP |
Version | 1.19.2 |
Server IP | discord.gg/w94Y7DFF |
Status | Online |
Tags | Roleplay Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/30 |
Server Description | PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD TO BE WHITELISTED! https://discord.gg/SVPYmxKFUS Hello! I am here to share our cute little vanilla 1.19.2 SMP server. <3 We are a fresh one, about a month old to be exact. We have only beaten the ender dragon once, and maybe raided about 5 end cities so far. Our seed is beautiful, with vast mountainscapes and bountiful biomes to choose from. There's a ton of room to build your base close to spawn as well. We host on apex, so its fast and virtually lag free. We also have backups just in case. We are whitelisted, however we do need more friends to play with. If you want to join a wonderful, wholesome, and close-knit community where you feel valued and listened to, then simply join our discord at https://discord.gg/w94Y7DFF. Our spawn is about to get a whole revamp as well, and there is lots of growing to do. We need to build community to make this server the best it can be. <3 We look forward to hanging out with you! |