Minecraft server Stone Industries Network
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1408 | Stone Industries Network | SI-Network.sandboxservers.games:9777 ![]() | Anarchy OneBlock Skyblock Survival Vanilla | 0/500 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1408 |
Title | Stone Industries Network |
Version | 1.19.3 |
Server IP | SI-Network.sandboxservers.games:9777 |
Status | Online |
Tags | Anarchy OneBlock Skyblock Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/500 |
Server Description | - Genuine and fun small community - Active admins and anticheats - Hosted on our own server colocated in a datacenter in Seattle, WA, USA We offer pure vanilla, skyblock and creative experiences already, but more are under development like semi-vanilla, factions or RPG adventures gamemodes. We also rely on our player's feedback for the development of our network while it is under testing. Stone Industries is a gaming community which hosts multiple game servers for Space Engineers and Minecraft. Our network has a growing friendly population and we are seeking players from all over the world to build a 24/7 presence. Registration on our discord server is highly encouraged but in no way required to get the ideal play experience. General Rules - Anything that greatly affects the server's performances is prohibited. - Any sort of cheating is prohibited and will be heavily sanctioned. (Hack clients, bug abuse, duping, etc...) - Keep toxicity at a minimum, banter is allowed, just be decent. (No hate will be tolerated) - Keep chat clean, no abusive spamming or outside advertisement. (Keep swearing at a minimum) |