Minecraft server Elivius
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1065 | Elivius | play.elivius.net ![]() | MCMMO Mini Games PvE Survival Towny | 4/999 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1065 |
Title | Elivius |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | play.elivius.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | MCMMO Mini Games PvE Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 4/999 |
Server Description | Elivius is a Minecraft server featuring modded survival! We have cosmetics, weekly events, quests, and much much more! Check out more information on our features below: IP: play.elivius.net - Version 1.19.2 Towny: Create towns with other members and friends, have protected land that you can upgrade, join nations to collaborate with other towns, ally with other nations, make plots for your residents, set permissions for your town, and individually per plot if you'd like! MCMMO: Level up skills, gain perks, special abilities, more in-depth PVP, and RPG-like experience. McMMO's main function is to incorporate an RPG-like skill system that players will have access to right from the beginning. Depending on how much a certain tool is used or a certain action is performed, players will gain experience that will eventually add bonuses such as double drops, rare drops, or ability enhancement. MMOItems: MMOItems introduces brand new item types, such as slashing weapons like swords/daggers, piercing weapons like lances, and blunt weapons like hammers. Every item has its unique attack effect which depends on its item type. For instance, slashing weapons deal damage in a cone behind the initial target. Jobs: Jobs is a plugin that allows players to get paid in-game currency for executing normal tasks. Whether you are an explorer, miner, builder, fisherman, or any other job, you will get paid for doing it! The more you do the job, the more money it makes over time by leveling it up. Leaving a job will reset its level. |