Minecraft server Dragon Shield
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1369 | Dragon Shield | dragonshieldmc.net ![]() | Cross-Play Economy MCMMO PvE PvP Roleplay Survival | 13/500 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1369 |
Title | Dragon Shield |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | dragonshieldmc.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Cross-Play Economy MCMMO PvE PvP Roleplay Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 13/500 |
Server Description | br.dragonshieldmc.net 19132 We're one of the friendliest communities out there! We have a strict NO-TOXICITY policy which we enforce very carefully but effectively. Expect warm welcomes and honestly one of the best community experiences that you'll ever go through. The community is warm, kind and welcoming. PlayTime Ranks, what are they and how do they work? Well, here player I'll answer your questions. Your rank gets upgraded while you're playing, the more play time the better the rank! The ranks offer amazing kits and cool perks such as the back, feed, more homes, hats, and many others! What are you waiting for come collect them all! Custom mobs, you might be asking yourself huh what do they even have to offer I've seen the same thing on a million servers before... Well we decided to be DIFFERENT! We offer you 20 + Cave Custom Mobs. They spawn below 60 and they sure pack a punch! Watchers, Smoke Demons, Dead Miners, Crawling Skellys and more awaits you in the deepest depths. We organize weekly boss events! A premium dungeon experience like no other! Fight bosses with a complex attack system and 30+ abilities per boss! The loot is also great but first comes first served the one to get the last hit gets the rewards so be quick and be smart and enjoy your time as the main character on our server! Our Custom Enchants system offers you not 100, not 200, but 300 ENCHANTS ! You can get them from enchanting normally at a table or you can buy them with EXP! From PVP to Mining enchants to even Effects we have it all! You'll sure have fun using them we guarantee it! |